Creating Traditional Art is Bae

Journaling Prompt: What is your favorite thing to do in the whole wide world?

Hari G. Darcy
4 min readJun 24, 2024
Painting with strong colors by Anna Kolosyuk on Unsplash

I love creating traditional art! From 2014 to 2020, I would travel to the closest Hobby Lobby or Michael’s (the expensive art supply store), and invest $40 to $75 in art supplies. This would be one of the best places to hide from the outside world, especially the parenting and adulting world.

Digital art’s okay, but traditionalism is better!

Now, you’re probably wondering why I’m contradicting myself. Honestly, creating traditional art is better than digital art. There’s a lot that goes into designing, creating, and praying that your device isn’t a dick and refuses to save your progress.

Of course, that’s my humble opinion.

I favor a canvas and paint brush over a stylus and a sticky phone screen. Canvases require some research. For example, you can’t use heavy mediums when you are designing on a canvas that only absorbs specific mediums, like water paint, charcoal, or oils. These items are light to the touch (and blend) and easy to manipulate using the correct brush.

For those who’re introducing themselves into painting on a canvas, research if you’re into a mixed medium approach or something light. Hell, see if that specific brand and shape can complement melting crayons and other colorful wax items.

Real Talk: You don’t have to limit yourself to paint. If you have a fireplace and you’re strapped for cash, you can use the soot and charred wood for charcoal. If you’re wanting to add a light clay touch to the canvas, take some good ol’ flour and water, and turn that lovely combination into sticky slime (or homemade glue that hardens into something snazzy later.

See, making art with your hands is way much better than poking your phone screen for hours at a time.

Digital art is less messy compared to traditional art…

Crazy digital art on the screen by Arno Senoner on Unsplash

Traditional art comes with its perks, quirks, and subtle headaches. The biggest thing you have to monitor with creating with classic art tools is the mess level. Some projects aren’t as messy compared to others, like using crayons with that coloring book or sketching out some stick figures on copy paper.

However, if you’re like me, obsessed with oil paints and watercolor paint, then you’ll have to invest in proper cleaning supplies so your clothes, carpet, or whatever won’t stain.

Final thoughts?

I’m crazy about art, but my heart will forever love traditional art styles, like painting, sketching in a sketchbook, drawing with pen and paper, and more. Creating things with your hands just hits different. Yeah, I can use a stylus, but I want people to truly feel each stroke and understand the mess I’ve made on my canvas (or the wall if I’m painting on the wall).

Hey y’all! From June 24th, 2024 to July 27th, 2024, The Journaling Session (JS) will cover a special theme. This summer’s theme is mindfulness and reflection. If you’re down to add in some customized journaling tales or memoirs, then send it our way! Below’s a link of submission guidelines and expectations for starter and well-seasoned pub writers (delicious).

SIDE NOTE: Everyone’s welcome, so don’t feel that we’re super strict here. I accept repeat guest writers to share their journaling session quirks or experiences.

Finally, if you’re into some flash reads, check out Stories From A Broken Cage. I hear my favorite character, Keon Laikin (Ke-yon Lay-kin) is at it again with his scientific knowledge and research. Of course, if y’all enjoy any characters from that book, let me know. I might do another story with that same character.

Well, I know Keon’s going to be in my next book, no doubt. That’s my baby boy! Anyway, let me not spoil the ebook for y’all. I’ll see y’all every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

Real Talk: Every Monday and Saturday are free blog posts. Yeah, I know I’m part of the membership program, but I want to cater to those who aren’t big on paywalls. Thank you for the support!



Hari G. Darcy

Blogger. Mother. Author. Traditional and Digital Artist. Wife. Mobile and PS4 Gamer. Poet. A Discombobulated Empath. #SleepIsLife