Daring to Dream: Embracing the Unknown Beyond the Rat Race

I’m not afraid of the unknown once I leave the rat race, but the rat race itself.

Hari G. Darcy
5 min readJun 21, 2024


Tomorrow marks the first three weeks of being a non-profit digital marketing manager. I finally organized the content I want to use, redid my WordPress website, and stayed up late on some nights studying the difference between internal and external linking, what the heck is backlinking, and so on.

Still, when I stop and sit in silence (this happens a lot at work in between my calls), my inner voice tinkers away with possible anxious thoughts and scenarios that’s not quite real or possible (yet). For example, I’m working a full-time remote job on top of writing on Medium and running a non-profit blog as a MANAGER not some average joe.




Yeah, knowing I can achieve a higher position makes me nervous. I don’t know what to do in a solid leadership role. Hell, I can barely wrap my mind around getting the second highest call effectiveness rating for this quarter (Q2). Am I actually improving?

Ironically my Chinese zodiac is a rat, so, yeah by slyfox photography on Unsplash

Before I started working where I am now, I was a homemaker who attended remote college and a full-time blogger. I was pregnant for nearly…



Hari G. Darcy

Blogger. Mother. Author. Traditional and Digital Artist. Wife. Mobile and PS4 Gamer. Poet. A Discombobulated Empath. #SleepIsLife