Is Being Sapiosexual a Thing?

Yeah, I’m about to say screw this and embrace this. You only live and love once, right?

Hari G. Darcy
5 min readJun 20, 2024


You know, I don’t know what was going through my head when I thought up this post. The greatest ideas, dreams, and desires come to those who wait and act on those thoughts. Well, let’s get our hands (or kitty paws) dirty and deep into sapiosexual and the origin behind it!

What is sapiosexual?

The root word sapio- means “to have intelligence or wisdom”. Of course, we all…



Hari G. Darcy

Blogger. Mother. Author. Traditional and Digital Artist. Wife. Mobile and PS4 Gamer. Poet. A Discombobulated Empath. #SleepIsLife